Denton Multiple DWI Offenses Attorney

Denton County DWI Attorney for Repeat Drunk Driving Offenses in Gainesville, Lewisville, and Flower Mound
Having even one DWI on your criminal record can create problems for you. However, a single DWI may be written off as a one-time mistake, possibly the result of a substance abuse problem that has since been treated. Courts may offer alternative sentencing, like probation and community service or mandatory treatment, in lieu of jail time. For a repeat DWI, you are unlikely to receive the same kind of leniency from the courts - or the same understanding from an employer or school. When you are arrested a second, third, or further time for the same offense, the court may become increasingly harsh with you.
Magaña & Van Dyke will fiercely advocate for you in the courtroom, no matter your situation. We understand what is at stake in a repeat DWI prosecution. Your driving rights, your reputation, and your very freedom are in jeopardy. Our attorneys are highly skilled at fighting repeat DWI charges, and we can offer you aggressive representation. Whether this is your second DWI or your fifth, we will protect your rights.
Gainesville Attorneys for Second DWI Charges
If this is your second DWI, the good news is that you are most likely still looking at a misdemeanor. However, a second DWI is a Class A misdemeanor - one step down from a felony. Should you be convicted, you could be sent to jail for up to a year and/or be fined up to $6,000, on top of court costs and any other fees. There is also a mandatory minimum of three days in jail, which is generally followed by probation.
Our attorneys employ many of the same defense strategies we use in first-offense DWI cases to fight repeat DWIs. Having a prior offense does not mean that the police or prosecution can cut corners, such as by introducing the results of a flawed sobriety test. You have the same rights you did last time, and we will fight for them.
Lawyers in Denton County for Third DWIs
At this point, you are facing a felony. A third DWI in Texas is taken extremely seriously, no matter how long it has been since your last offense. The court is likely to see you as having a willful disregard for the safety of everyone else on the roads. You will almost certainly be assumed to have a substance abuse problem that you are unable to bring under control. The proscribed punishment is two to ten years in prison and up to a $10,000 fine. Furthermore, your driver's license is likely to be suspended for two years - and getting it back can cost thousands.
Magaña & Van Dyke will do everything in our power to either get your case dismissed or lessen the severity of these punishments. Our firm wants to help you return to your life.
Fourth and Subsequent DWI Attorneys in Flower Mound
If you are brought back before a judge for the fourth time or more for a DWI, the consequences could be dire. No leniency or understanding is to be expected this time. This accusation may be very difficult to rebut due to your priors. If you are now facing or have already had an aggravated DWI charge, like DWI with a child passenger or intoxication assault, you may be at even greater risk of prolonged incarceration. Probation or any kind of alternative to prison time is quite unlikely.
Our attorneys will fight this charge with every tool we have. There is too much at stake this time to take any chances going up against this charge alone.
Call a Denton County Multiple DWI Lawyer
If you are facing a repeat DWI, Magaña & Van Dyke will fight for you. Our attorneys fully understand the risk of multiple DWI convictions, so we take these cases very seriously. Contact us online or call 940-382-1976 to schedule an urgent free consultation.